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Tips to Get Your AC Ready For Warm Weather

Summer’s almost here, and with it comes warmer weather. Nobody wants to be stuck in a hot, stuffy house, so it’s crucial to prepare your AC for the upcoming heat now before it’s too late. Below, we share some HVAC preventative maintenance tips to ensure your system is in tip-top shape to keep you cool all summer. 

Clean or Replace Air Filters

A clogged filter is a roadblock for your AC system, forcing it to work harder and reducing efficiency. To keep your system running smoothly, replace the filter inside your home every one to three months, depending on usage and pet dander. 

Clear Debris from the Unit

Before diving into any cleaning, prioritize safety by turning off the power to your AC unit.  Next, focus on the outdoor unit by clearing away any leaves, twigs, or debris that might be restricting airflow and hindering performance. To tackle dust and grime on the outdoor condenser coils, use a soft brush or a vacuum cleaner with a hose attachment. Remember to be gentle, as these delicate fins can easily bend.

Check for Coolant Leaks

Your AC uses refrigerant, a special coolant, to absorb heat from your home and release it outdoors. A leak in the refrigerant line can significantly impact your AC's ability to cool effectively. Here are some signs to watch out for:

  • Reduced cooling performance - If your AC isn't cooling your home as well as it used to, a refrigerant leak could be the culprit.

  • Hissing noises - Leaks often produce a hissing sound from the outdoor unit.

  • Ice buildup on the coils - This is abnormal and could indicate a refrigerant leak or other problem.

If you suspect a refrigerant leak, don't attempt to fix it yourself. Call a qualified air conditioner repair service immediately. Refrigerants can be harmful if not handled properly, and professionals have the expertise and equipment to address the issue safely and effectively.

Invest in a Smart Thermostat

A programmable thermostat allows you to set different cooling temperatures for various times of the day. This can be a great way to save energy (and money!) when you're not home or during cooler nighttime hours.

Here's how it works:

  • Program your desired temperatures for when you're at home, sleeping, or away.

  • The thermostat will automatically adjust the temperature accordingly.

  • This way, you're not paying to cool an empty house.

Test Your Unit

Once you've cleaned your AC unit and replaced the filter, it's wise to test its performance to identify potential issues early on. Here's a simple DIY test you can try:

  • Fire up the AC - Turn on your AC and set the thermostat to a cool temperature, at least five degrees lower than the current room temperature.

  • Feel the airflow - After about 10 minutes, place your hand near a supply register (the vent where cool air blows into the room). You should feel cool air flowing steadily.

Schedule an AC Checkup

Regular HVAC preventative maintenance is crucial for keeping your system running smoothly and efficiently. Ideally, you should schedule an appointment for AC maintenance services at least once a year before the peak summer season.

A qualified technician will perform a thorough inspection, cleaning the coils, checking refrigerant levels, and identifying any potential problems. This proactive approach can save money by preventing minor issues from turning into major repairs.

Stay Cool and Save Money

By following these simple tips, you can ensure your AC is ready to take on the summer heat and keep your home comfortably cool. Remember, regular maintenance is essential in preventing the need for air conditioner repair services down the road. Don’t wait until the heat wave hits! Schedule your AC maintenance appointment with us today at 833-409-5003.